Everyone has a few treasured possessions in the home. Whether it's an old cooking pan that belonged to grandma or a family table that is ancient but has sentimental value, these objects can all be given a new lease of life. Why throw things away when replacing them will cost a small fortune? Thankfully we have 15 awesome ways to revive many of the items around the home that you can't bear to part with. And what's better is that they're all so easy to do! Take a look!
Don't throw away old towels which have gone hard and scratchy, just soften them up! Instructions here.

Simply clean up outdoor furniture to have it sparkling again!

Use this trick to clean up microfiber furniture. Instructions here.

Make your leather furniture look as good as new. Instructions here.

Whiten your dirty old canvas shoes easily! Instructions here.

There is nothing yuckier than a yellowing pillow on the bed. Get your pillows looking whiter than white again. Instructions here.

If your paintbrushes have hardened up, don't throw them away… soak them in oil soap for a day or two and they will be as good as new!

Make an old scratched table look brand new again by polishing with a mix of half olive oil and half vinegar. It really works!

Don't throw away old tarnished baking pans, revitalize them! Instructions here.

Pop an old dirty pizza stone in the oven on self-cleaning mode and it will come out like new!

Bar Keeper's Friend actually removes all those unsightly scratches from white plates!

Simply use salt, vinegar and a scour pad to clean up old copper pots!

Revive stained plastic containers with ease by filling with water and popping in a few denture tablets. They will be looking great again in no time!

Wooden cutting boards can harbor loads of germs. Ensure yours is safely sanitized and rejuvenated. Instructions here.

Remove stains from a plastic cutting board. Instructions here.

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