Being a dad is one of the toughest jobs out there, any parent can tell you that. Some dads, though, take the cake when it comes to instances of ‘super parenting’. Like the 15 dads from the internet that we’ve collated below. They just go above and beyond the call of duty to be the best dad they can be. Heroes!
This Chinese dad carries his disabled son 18 miles to school every day.

This single dad didn’t know how to do his daughters hair. So he went to beauty school…

This dad had his daughter’s implant equipment tattooed onto his head so she wouldn’t feel bad.

This dad and his disabled son compete together in all sorts of events, including marathons.

This dad dressed up as Little Red Riding Hood, so his daughter could dress as the wolf!

This step dad turned his son’s wheelchair into a tank for Halloween!

This dad makes educational pancakes.

After a long hard day, this dad still knows his ‘real’ job!

This dad dresses in a skirt to show solidarity with his dress-wearing son!

This dad makes the most amazing school lunches.

This dad has been having his son’s drawings tattooed onto him since the son was five years old.

This dad made wearing an eye patch fun!

These parents got their daughter’s birthmark tattooed onto their legs.

This dad ensured teddy went through the operation, too.

This dad calmly lets his daughter paint his toenails while he plays video games.

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