Konstantinos Vasilakakos is a 22-year-old photographer from the tiny village of Petrilo in rural Greece. Of course, living in such a small and somewhat isolated locale must have its bad points, but there are also plenty of good points, too. One of which is, due to lack of smog and light pollution, the night sky is truly epic. You might think you've seen the stars, but you haven't seen anything until you've stargazed in a place like Petrilo. Konstantinos says that he has spent many long night under the stars, with just a goat's wool blanket to keep him warm, in order to snap these amazing photos. While it must be even more impressive in person, even these photos will blow your mind. Let's take a look!
Website: Konstantinos Vasilakakos

Konstantinos also took this amazing time lapse video of the milky way, which you really should watch if you want to be impressed!
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